Dear Reader, This holiday season has just squeezed by me so fast. With all the usual preparations, celebrating, gift buying and decorating, etc. I forgot that Christmas season I should have been trying to make more book sales, promoting online and doing some local holiday craft fairs. I did do a couple of fairs, but no way as much as I could have or should have been doing. Life just pushed me along. It sure didn't help with two different bouts of sickness this fall. (Not covid, but miserable. I am wondering if being cooped up so long weakened our immune system.) Anyway, I am still learning this marketing part of being an author. Doesn't seem fair that you just can't write a book and after writing, re-writing, editing, and learning all the other things that go into writing and publishing a book, that when it's done you can't just sit back, well, you can, but you won't make many sales that way. As I was looking at my Christmas tree, I wanted to share the ornament...